
“School.” You can hear the complaints as soon as you say the word. Junior and Senior High students all across the nation dread the beginning of September because along with it comes that horrible thing, “school.”

Each week when I ask our students, “How was school so far this week?” The response, or lack of a response, rather tells the true story. Students are often weighed down by schoolwork. Trying to balance a healthy social life along side sports or music while doing their best to get A’s is a challenge. I long to see students passionately pursuing the things they love, free to be and become exactly who are made to and want to be, looking to the future as a thing of opportunity and not of dread.

As we continue on our journey through 1 John the writer continually gives us positive descriptions of how we, the children of God should be and in some ways already are living. He says “The children of God do this… You know you are a child of God if you do this…” This “Children of God” theme seems to be following us through every session. We are the children of God.

Children are great at learning things. Our students and myself (a full time college student) have the opportunity to learn things every day in our classes. At this point we are four weeks in and the weather is decidedly fall. Homework and studying are becoming overwhelming. Grades are on our minds along side projects, thesis statements, essay topics, and calculations. The assembly line of education stops for no one. It’s an adventure.

Just like students have the opportunity to dedicate themselves to learning, we as sons and daughters of the Most High God have the opportunity to learn from Him. We get to ask Him questions and complete our assignments as he gives them.

This fall in the season of harvest, may we, the children of God, young and old, lean in as our Father teaches us through the experiences we have every day. May we be listening intently that we would hear His still small voice in the midst of the hubbub of life.

For He is Our God

July has been our summer fun month. This months grad parties and bonfires have been like bread sandwiching the meat of the God’s presence. If there’s one thing I have learned this month it’s that God is here. He’s here in the mundane, in the crazy scheduling of summer events and trying to stay on top of teaching and making sure we have worship leaders for each Wednesday night. Yes, I am a scatterbrained, busy college student who doesn’t always make deadlines and sometimes has to cancel things last minute because something came up or I double booked myself, but God has been so faithful.

This month in youth group we joined together to seek our sweet King each week as we always do and He met us there, but the places I have seen Him are in the places my church raised self has been programed not to. He has shown up when I didn’t want to be at a particular event or when I was tired or when I was sitting in the dining hall at MCC dog tired from lack of sleep, listening to a student pour his heart out and watching as our Healer began to mend his broken pieces. Our King is here, and more than ever I want to remember this and teach our young people to look for Him in the mundane, in the everyday, in the boring, in the things “Jesus doesn’t care about.” That’s where I’m finding Him. That’s where joy is found.

We swam, we ate hot dogs, we sang, we danced, we had brain storming sessions, we hung out with local kids in the park and played Ultimate Frisbee and Kan Jam during the church picnic, we sang the praises of the Almighty under the shady trees, we had retreat planning meetings, we watched a funny video that Matt and Greg Goupil acted in, and our King was with us in every minute of it. We pulled out the entire sound system that we’re going to use for the Accelerate Retreat and test ran it. It worked! Our God is providing.

In planning for the retreat He’s provided a band to lead us in worship while we’re at Camp LeTourneau. He’s provided more than a dozen leaders to come and keep track of all of the kids while we’re there. He provided a pool when we needed it for our youth group pool party. He’s provided a sound system for us to use every Wednesday night and it actually works! If He can do this, what are His limits? What can’t He provide?

Our God is walking among us. Lets look for Him in those places. Wherever you are, HE IS THERE! Do you believe in Him for the saving of East Rochester. He said He would give us the nations, what’s a little community compared to His power to save? Revival is coming. Will you run with Him? Will you run with me? Will you run with us?


Your friendly neighborhood youth director,



He Ordaineth His Arrows

“He ordaineth His arrows against the persecutors.” – Psalm 7:13b KJV

I don’t have a whole lot to say today. God has put me here at Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY. I get to hang out with kids on wednesday nights having a blast with them playing games, worshiping our great King, and searching out what He has to say to us through the Bible. I am amazed. He once told me He makes all things beautiful in its time. I guess He’s appointed these arrows to be in my hand for such a time as this. I pray that they find their mark. May the walls come down.

– Your Friendly Neighborhood Youth Director